European Region – Serbia

Developing a National Drug Prevention Strategy for Serbia (2009-2010) – Serbia is a transitional country located in South Eastern Europe. Its strategic location places it in ‘the Balkan Route’ for drugs being smuggled through the country and passing into Western Europe. Drug trafficking, especially to vulnerable populations of ‘Romas’ (mobile gypsy populations) and youth in the country is at alarming levels.

A CPI consultant worked with EuroHealth Group with funding from the European Union to develop, implement and evaluate a National drug prevention strategy. A rapid assessment of program stakeholders and at-risk population groups was initially conducted. This data was coupled with desk findings for the development of a comprehensive behaviour change communication strategy. The subsequent drug communication campaign messages developed from the formative research were pre-tested with focus groups of youth and parents. The final brand campaign brand and unifying call to action was – United against Drugs.

A range of communication activities were conducted for the national campaign including: public advocacy, community displays, television and radio public service announcements, transport advertising, publications resources and social media activities. Results from a national campaign post-intervention survey found good recall of key messages and significant findings in relation to a number of behavioural indicators (download National Strategy Against Drug Abuse Info Sheet).

  Click the thumbnail to view the Serbia Youth Drug Prevention Campaign public service announcement
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